
I am writing this blog as a means to express what I am feeling during what is the most frustrating and unsettling time of my life. If you are reading then you may be experiencing a similar situation, or know someone who is going through the same. I hope to regularly update and blog what is going on, until the day I finally get my sons what they deserve, a happy and normal relationship with both parents.

Please read the post "the story so far" it will explain whats going on. Thank you.

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Email me: analienateddad@hotmail.co.uk

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Next court date...

Back in court next Wednesday 12th. My solicitor has summonsed the doctor who originally filed the allegations against me. He has been asked twice previously to complete another report but has failed to do so. Ironically he was my GP too, but when I went there not so long back to find out some information about my boys medication, I was treated like a criminal, made to feel like I was the one who was creating all these issues and concerns. He has been taken in hook line and sinker by her. Hopefully he will be cross examined and realise exactly what he has done!

I am also really pleased my blog has reached Australia and received some strength from the comments left. Its great to know there are others who understand and recognise all the issues I face daily. Thank you!

I also found this really great article which outlines my fears. I sincerely hope I am able to play a big part so my sons don't get too permanently damaged by what's going on around them.

The effects on children who have been successfully alienated

1 comment:

  1. Your children deserve you. Keep fighting and don't give up. I can't imagine having my child taken from me - or keeping her from her other parent - what a terrible situation for your boys! They must miss you so much. Kids are resilient and they know you love them - thank God they see you @ rugby practice. Sending my best wishes and prayers your way from Canada.
